Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Historical Farm Redevelopment

The Barone Park of the late 1800's included one of the top residential farm homes in the country, and a dirt race track for both Horse Racing and Bicycle Racing. It was located on the first farm north of the Casino proposed for the Bradley Offramp 1/2 way between Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids on US-131. The proposed Casino site was once home to the Plank Road Farms regional theme park and farm educational event facility which closed in 1978. The Casino is awaiting what most supporters believe to be imminent approval.

The hope is to build an the Western Michigan State Fairgrounds, including, but not limited Automotive Race Track, Horse Track, Outdoor Adventure Retailer, Indoor WaterPark Hotel, Farmer's Museum, Petting Zoo, Hospitality Education facility, Farmland Development Rights, TIFA District, Multi-governmental development authority with an Ethanol Plant, Methanol Plant, Solar and Wind generation facility all on the Plank Road Farm (Old US-131 between Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids). The goal would be to promote the the State of Michigan and it's "Cruise Michigan" campaign, Agri-tourism, Agricultural Research, Sustainability, Motorsports and Alternative Energy. Everything would be connected by an authentic


  1. So if you build a track will the racers get to beat the crap out of each other during the race like they did in your film here? Looks like fun.

  2. Absolutely, horses and horsepower competing in one complex with people watching the events able to bet on their favorites as to outcome. Sounds fun too don't you think?
